Access your account

Access and enjoy Mico

Fill in the required data and access your account.

Mico for companies


Save on all your company’s
work travel with our supply
and demand analysis.


Choice of preferred taxi driver
who work in collaboration
with the main taxi drivers


Fleet of more than
3000 vehicles
that enables us to have
an average arrival time
of less than 5 minutes.


Access travel history whenever
you want and receive a single
document listing all trips
made by your team.
You will also be able to deduct VAT

Customer Service Support

We adapt our service to meet the needs
of your company and offer personalized
customer service to meet any needs
that arise at any times.

Contact us

Are you interested in registering your company?

Complete the following fields and we will contact you shortly.

Mico hospitality


Earn money with
all your customer’s travel

Web Platform

Use our online platform
to order taxis for your
customers with a single click
thanks to the default address field.
An ideal solution for hotels,
apartments, travel agencies
and events.


Check any travel in real time.
View the current location,
taxi details and arrival time.


Ask for a taxi in advance
indicating what day and time
your client wants to be picked up.
Real-time display of all driver data.

Travel history

View all completed travel
booked for your customers.
View all travel requests.
Management of lost objects
in the vehicle so that your
customers can recover
their belongings.

Contact us

Are you interested in registering your company?

Complete the following fields and we will contact you shortly.